We would like to invite you to submit to the research track T3 "Information Systems Methodologies and Education" at the 28th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD) 2019 in Toulon, France, August 28-30, 2019. Please forward this CFP to interested colleagues and students.
The ISD Proceedings will be published in the AIS Electronic Library.
Track description
T3: Information Systems Methodologies and Education
This track focuses on two broad areas: 1) information systems development (ISD) methodologies, and 2) information systems development (ISD) education. The goal is to create a forum of discussion and dissemination of novel, relevant and rigorous research as well as industrial, professional and practical experiences that address: 1) challenges and opportunities faced by various stakeholders in the development of information systems, and 2) challenges and opportunities faced by various stakeholders in the education of information systems professionals. A special interest is in research addressing these challenges and opportunities by taking into account the needs and characteristics of sustainable development, sharing economy, big data and information society, environmental and social responsibility, and by considering the information systems as socio-technical systems.
The track invites submissions on:
1) Theoretical foundations and examples of good practice related to the design, implementation, evaluation, adoption, and use of information systems in formal and informal educational contexts in ISD,
2) Theoretical foundations and examples of good practice related to methodologies and modelling of ISD from design to implementation, evaluation and impact assessment,
3) Theoretical and empirical contributions to understanding and shaping methodological and educational aspects in ISD,
4) Methodology contributions to ISD and ISD education.
Track topics include (but not limited to):
- ISD education:
- Educational systems design, development and evaluation
- Longitudinal and comparative studies of learning
- Education for information systems development
- ISD Education in developing regions
- Open educational resources in ISD education
- ISD and teaching of programming
- Work-integrated learning
- Social and crowd computing in educational contexts
- User generated content in ISD education
- Activity theory approaches to ISD education
- HCI issues in ISD for education
- Curriculum development, including local implementation of AIS/IEEE/ACM curricula
- Digital literacy
- Creativity and innovation in ISD education
- Instructional design
- Ethical aspects related to IS education
- Serious games, gamification and virtual worlds for learning
- Social media and learning
- Computer supported collaborative learning
- Learning platforms: mobile apps, MOOC
- Socio-constructivism in (ISD) education
- ISD Methodologies:
- Information systems development in a sharing society
- Theoretical contributions to socio-technical systems and development methodologies
- Conceptualization and operationalization of concepts related to socio-technical
- systems development
- Issues of sustainable development in ISD
- Issues of social and environmental responsibility in ISD
- Ethical aspects related to IS development and to socio-technical systems
- Big Data analysis and visualization systems design and development
- Open-source system development methodologies
- Crowd-source system development methodologies
- Non-relational data models
- User-centred design and development methodologies
- HCI issues in information systems in a sharing society
- Case studies of IS and socio-technical systems design and development
- IS modelling and simulation
- Creativity and innovation in ISD methodologies
- IS requirements engineering
- Model-based IS development
- Business process analysis and design, modeling and simulation
- Usability requirements in ISD
- Strategic usability in ISD
- Standards related to ISD
- Agility in IS development
Track Chairs:
Mikko Rajanen, University of Oulu, Finland. ([email protected])
Dorina Rajanen, University of Oulu, Finland. ([email protected])
Monica Vladoiu, UPG University of Ploiesti, Romania ([email protected])
Submission Process:
- April 15, 2019 – Paper Submission Deadline (Extended)
- June 1, 2019 – Notification of Acceptance
- June 28, 2019 – Early-bird Registration
- August 28-30, 2019 – ISD2019 Conference
More information:
ISD 2019 conference website: https://isd2019.isen.fr/